Highlights/ Achievements

Spreading the Message of Unity through Arts Festival

Mr Chan Kum Wing delivering his speech at the launching ceremony.

Interesting performance during the launching ceremony.

A melodious musical performance entertaining the guest at the launching ceremony.

The classical Chinese dance at the gazebo in Yum Yum Park.

An outdoor entertainment of famous Chinese songs played using the Chinese flute and violin.

The engaging 'Street Dance' with the audience cheering in excitement.

Ms Dearna Kee June Chen (in grey dress) accompanied by Mr Choo Shyh Chin (in white shirt), Director of the Department of Estates & Maintenance visiting the Arts Market.

One of the art sculptures on display at the exhibition area.

Padan.Muka Arts Festival 2015, the very first of its kind held at TAR University College was not only intriguing, colourful and entertaining but the concept behind this festival was indeed meaningful. Held from 21 - 22 December 2015 and with the theme, 'Arts The Masterpiece of Unity', the festival aimed to increase awareness on how arts can be used as an effective tool to unite Malaysians.

The festival which was open to the public, was successfully organised by Year 1 students of the Bachelor of Public Relations (Hons) programme as part of their coursework assignment. At the launching ceremony held at the entrance of Bangunan Tun Tan Siew Sin, Mr Chan Kum Wing, Vice President of TAR University College, proudly shared: "This is a unique event with a significant aim of using arts to spread the message of unity. A united nation is crucial especially in a multi-racial country. As such, TAR University College has always encouraged its students to be actively involved in activities and events which encourage them to interact with the society and I am happy to see that this is taking place through this arts festival". Soon after his speech, Mr Chan and Ms Dearna Kee June Chen, Dean of the Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities ('FSAH') signed a face mask placed on top of a Christmas tree made out of recycled materials to officially launch Padan.Muka Arts Festival 2015 before proceeding to release a white dove into the air as a sign of well wishes and appreciation to Mr Chan for gracing the event. A number of fascinating musical and theatre performances rounded off the launching ceremony.

After the launching ceremony, distinguished guests and students were invited to view the art exhibition at the foyer of Bangunan Tun Tan Siew Sin, showcasing a number of artistic sculptures, paintings and artworks by academic staff from the Department of Creative Arts as well as several graphic design students.

Guests and students were then led by a student playing melodious tunes on the Chinese flute to Yum Yum Park where there was an entertaining performance of Chinese classical dance. The gathering then proceeded to the 'Forest Path' near Canteen 1 where they were entertained by a group playing Christmas songs with two violins and a cello followed by a duo performance playing a number of Chinese hits on the Chinese flute and violin. After a few steps ahead at the Garden of Block C, the gathering was entertained by an incredible 'Street Dance' performance.

The gathering finally dispersed in Canteen 2, visiting the Arts Market which had many artistic and interactive booths selling different types of art products and services. These included spray art, clay pottery making, DIY soaps, rock painting, paper cutting, henna tattoo, canvas shoe painting, batik painting, portrait illustration and paper clay. There were also several food and beverage stalls.

On what was the learning experience in organising this arts festival, Lew Chui Yee, a Bachelor of Public Relations (Hons) student and the head of the Public and Media Relations unit for this festival, shared: "Everyone of us was very excited when our lecturer, Ms Yeow Lai Chee first shared with us about this project. Organising this festival has taught us a lot about effective communication and the importance of team work. I personally learnt a lot about the many different cultures in Malaysia as we needed to do extensive research about it. The many reading materials in the University College's library were definitely a great help".

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