Highlights/ Achievements

Tan Sri Dato Sri Liow Tiong Lai Bids Farewell to TAR UMT Board of Governors

Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Liow (second from right) shaking hands with Dato’ Dr Mah (second from left) after being presented with a montage of his portait as Tan Sri Chan (leftmost) and Prof Ir Dr Lee (rightmost) look on.


After a decade of dedicated service, Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai has stepped down as the Chairman of the Board of Governors of TAR UMT. To appreciate his service to TAR UMT, a special farewell dinner was organised for him on 18 April 2024.


Prof Ir Dr Lee Sze Wei, President of TAR UMT in his speech said, “Thank you for journeying with the University through its challenges and developments. There are many fond memories of you that all of us at TAR UMT will cherish and we thank you for your leadership.”


Tan Sri Chan Kong Choy, who was appointed as the new Board of Governors Chairman thanked Tan Sri Liow for laying down a solid foundation for TAR UMT to excel. “I have known Tan Sri Liow for many years and he is a hardworking leader. He began his active involvement in the life of TAR College back in 2011, initially serving as a Council Member. Despite juggling responsibilities within the Health Ministry during that period, he remained steadfast in his dedication to helping the then TAR College progress to greater heights.”


“We also must appreciate Tan Sri’s involvement in the upgrading of TAR UMT and the University’s expansion to Pahang and Sabah. He has always remained committed to ensuring a brighter future for the next generation,” Tan Sri Chan Kong Choy applauded.


Dato’ Dr Mah Hang Soon, Deputy President of the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) delivered the speech on behalf of Datuk Seri Ir  Dr Wee Ka Siong, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of TARC Education Foundation., “As the BOT Chairman of TARC Education Foundation, I have worked closely with Tan Sri Liow with regards to managing and setting the future direction of the University, ensuring to uphold the vision and mission of TAR UMT. My memories of working together with Tan Sri will be cherished, especially in combining our efforts to obtain the University status for TAR UMT.  Not to mention of how Tan Sri took the lead of putting the 10-Year roadmap plan into motion and planning ongoing and upcoming developments for the University, it is obvious of Tan Sri’s passion and commitment towards TAR UMT,” Dato’ Dr Mah read.


Tan Sri Dato' Sri Liow Tiong Lai later thanked the support from the board, staff, and alumni. “I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Datuk Seri Ir Dr Wee, Tan Sri Chan and Prof Ir Dr Lee for their kind words and unwavering support throughout my tenure at TAR UMT. Your recognition is truly humbling and it has been an honour to work with such passionate individuals who share a commitment to educational advancements. Together, we have witnessed TAR UMT's remarkable journey, and I am confident that the University will continue to soar towards a future of continued success,” he enthused.


Members of TAR UMT Alumni Council, led by Tan Sri Chan (fourth from left) presenting the gift of appreciation to Tan Sri Liow (fifth from left).


TAR UMT students who performed at the farewell dinner in a group photo with Tan Sri Liow (back row eight from right).


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