Highlights/ Achievements

TAR UC Students Demonstrate Excellence in A Level

A Level best performers Carmen Khew (second from left) and Si Yen (second from right) accompanied by Prof Ir Dr Lee (rightmost) and Mr Yeoh Hock Seng (leftmost), Head of the Centre of Pre-University Studies, during the June 2019 A Level Awards presentation ceremony.


89 A Level students continued TAR UC’s tradition of academic excellence after emerging as high achievers in the June 2019 Cambridge GCE A Level and AS level examinations.

The June 2019 A Level Awards presentation ceremony on 24 September 2019 saw 18 A Level high achievers and 71 AS Level high achievers receiving award certificates for their exceptional achievements and academic efforts.

Prof Ir Dr Lee Sze Wei, President of TAR UC, presented the award certificates to all the high achievers and commended them for their success in achieving an important milestone in their education journey.

“TAR UC takes pride in being the institution of choice for such bright students and we are always happy to hear news of how well our students have performed in the A Level and AS Level examinations.

“The A Level programme at TAR UC began 32 years ago with only 29 students. It has come a long way since then, and we take pride in ensuring our students always have access to the best learning facilities and teaching staff.

“We are able to continue and uphold the high standard and quality of A Level education at TAR UC thanks to the excellence demonstrated by our students and the efficacious guidance by our lecturers to realise their students’ true academic potential,” said Prof Ir Dr Lee in his speech.

The June 2019 examinations saw students attaining an outstanding pass percentage of 90% for A Level with 37% of the cohort achieving excellent results of AAB and above.

For individual subject performances, students stood out by scoring exceptional pass percentages for Accounting at 80% and Chemistry at 91%. Most impressively, a 100% passing rate was achieved in five subjects, namely Biology, Economics, Further Mathematics, Physics and Mathematics.

The AS Level was equally impressive with 51% of the cohort scoring 2’a’s and above, including 23 students who attained an outstanding result of 4’a’s and above.

The Best Performance in A Level (Science) award went to Carmen Khew Ling Lung, who also won the CPUS Top Achievement Cup for scoring 4’A*’s.

“I would not be standing here if not for the unwavering guidance from my lecturers, who have always been there to support and help me learn through fun and creative ways and ensure I was able devote myself to achieving my goals,” said Carmen, who will be furthering her studies in actuarial science.

The Best Performance in A Level (Arts) went to Chin Si Yen, who scored 2’A’s and will soon be reading economics.

“Apart from the financial support provided by TAR UC which eased the burden of my parents, the conducive campus environment and fantastic teaching staff made my experience here one of the most memorable moments in my life. I have no regrets choosing to study A Level here,” said Si Yen.

Meanwhile, Koh Kuan Jian who scored 4’a’s 1’b’ and Chan Jing Hui who obtained 3’a’s 1’b’ were named the AS Level best overall performers in Science and Arts respectively.

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