Highlights/ Achievements

A Day of Celebration for A Level High Achievers


November 2018 A Level Best Performers Ng Chee Yan (second from left) and Ooi Jia Min (second from right), posing with their certificates and trophies while accompanied by Prof Ir Dr Lee Sze Wei (right) and Mr Yeoh Hock Seng (left), Head of the Centre for Pre-University Studies.


A student getting some advice on her further studies options from one of the exhibitors at the Student Placement Day.


TAR UC celebrated the achievements of 88 outstanding students from the Centre for Pre-University Studies ('CPUS') who excelled academically in the November 2018 Cambridge GCE A Level and AS Level Examinations at the A Level Award Day held on 22 March 2019.

68 A Level high achievers and 20 AS Level high achievers were presented with certificates on the stage by Prof Ir Dr Lee Sze Wei, President of TAR UC, who personally congratulated the students for their academic achievements in the Cambridge A Level examination.

The A Level cohort scored an impressive 91.8% pass percentage, with 46.3% of the cohort scoring 2'A's 1'B' and above. As for the AS Level, 39.2% of the cohort scored at least 2'a's 1'b' and above.

“Congratulations students for achieving such outstanding results. No matter where your next destination may be, know that you now possess an internationally-recognised golden passport that can open doors to many opportunities around the world.

“I hope you all will remember that academic result is only a part of your student life. So make full use of your experience as a student to shape your character into a better person moving forward,” Prof Ir Dr Lee added.

The Best Overall Performance in AS Level were awarded to Alicia binti Noor Effendi (Science) who scored 4'a's 1'e' and Chin Si Yen (Arts) who obtained 3'a's 2'b's.

For A Level, Ng Chee Yan was named the Best Overall Performer in the Arts stream for scoring 3'A*'s, while Ooi Jia Min's 4'A*'s earned her the Best Overall Performer in the Science stream. Jia Min was also awarded the CPUS Top Achievement Cup.

“Today would not be possible if not for our lecturers, who inspired and guided us every step of the way. They have gone beyond the call of duty to not just transmit knowledge but also ignite the passion within us throughout our 18-month journey in TAR UC. I hope future students will keep the same passion alive during your time here,” said Jia Min in her valedictorian speech.

The A Level Award Day was also held alongside the Student Placement Day, an education fair on campus to offer students an opportunity to further their studies overseas. More than 27 international institutions from Australia, the United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, and Switzerland were present to showcase their respective institutions and study options at the fair.

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