Highlights/ Achievements

TARC warmly welcomed back its first Principal

Dr Thong Saw Pak, the first College Principal was warmly welcomed back to the College by senior college officials led by Dr Tan Chik Heok, the College Principal.

It was a cherished journey down memory lane for Dr Thong as he toured the campus and expressed joy over the College’s developments, especially upon viewing the modern Cyber centre and the Library.

In sharing fond memories of the College in the early years with college officials and reminiscing on the anecdotes and happenings, he indelibly fostered a valued connection between the past and the present in shaping the progress of the College.
Dr Tan also presented Dr Thong with a photo frame of picture collections that captured Dr Thong’s days at the College, a pewter souvenir and a copy of the 40th Anniversary commemorative booklet.

Photo Caption:
Photo 1:  (L to R) Dr Tan Chik Heok presenting the photo frame to Dr Thong Saw Pak at the College Conference Room, KL Main Campus.

Photo 2:  (L to R) Dr Tan Chik Heok pointing to the details in the 40th Anniversary Commemorative booklet for Dr Thong Saw Pak.

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    Wholly owned by the TARC Education Foundation
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