Highlights/ Achievements

ESG Takes Centre Stage at TAR UMT's ProDEx 2024

(from right) Assoc Prof Dr Chook, Assoc Prof Ts Dr Lim Li Li, Dean of FOET, and Dr Abdul Hadi bin Abdul Wahab, Assistant Professor of FOET, unveiling the ProDEx 2024 poster during the launch ceremony.


The 2024 edition of TAR UMT’s Project Design Exhibition (ProDEx) did more than just demonstrate TAR UMT students’ innovative approach in designing engineering solutions, it also highlighted the institution’s efforts in taking environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues seriously.

ProDEx 2024, held on 23 May 2024 in TAR UMT’s Kuala Lumpur Campus and themed ‘Engineering for Well-being’, featured capstone and final year projects presented by students of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FOET).

A total of 102 projects were displayed during ProDEx 2024 that saw a variety of innovative solutions proposed across aspects like green technology, sustainable cities, health and agriculture, automation, smart cities, and optimisation.

“This year’s theme ‘Engineering for Well-being’ reflects the commitment and importance of the engineering profession in addressing the well-being of the planet through innovative and smart solutions. I am impressed of our students’ dedication, determination, and creativity towards producing innovative engineering solutions that can help shape a better future.

“This platform also serves to benefit participating students in helping them acquire and nurture valuable skills such as innovation, resourcefulness, communication and teamwork – all traits that entails TAR UMT’s Beyond Education experience,” said Assoc Prof Dr Chook Ka Joo, Vice President of TAR UMT during the launch of ProDEx 2024.

ProDEx 2024 feature student-driven projects that center around innovative solutions across aspects like smart technology, green technology, sustainable cities, health and agriculture, automation, and optimisation.

The event also featured a talk segment by Ms Kimberly Ann Maranan, Test and Product Development Engineer from ADI Devices who delivered a keynote speech on ‘ADI’s Digital Healthcare Business and the Role of Sensors in Medtech’.

ProDEx 2024 concluded with a ceremonial awards ceremony to crown the best projects following evaluations from a panel of judges consisting of lecturers, professors and industry leaders.

The main highlight of the awards ceremony was the conferment of the Best Engineering for Well-being awards, that went to Team G2 and Team A03 for the final year project and capstone project categories respectively.

Team G2’s ‘Effect of Doping Calcium Oxide from Clamshell on Hydroxyapatite Derived from Chicken Bone Food Waste’ project proposes a solution to create synthetic bio-ceramic material from food waste, while Team A03’s project proposes an innovative idea in wind turbine optimisation by using a vertical axis wind turbine to generate electrical power for domestic use.

Other awards conferred include the Most Liked YouTube Video, Most Liked Poster, and Top Three Prize awards.

To view ProDEx 2024 capstone and final year projects, please click here.

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