Highlights/ Achievements

TAR College-KPMG BEST Soft Skills Development Programme – Final Project Presentation cum Graduation Ceremony

After one-year of training, the TAR College-KPMG BEST Soft Skills Development Programme students presented their final projects in a truly “American Idol” way at DK ABF, KL Main Campus.

The five teams namely Dominant Force, No Fear, Bananas, Endeavour, and Elitexus showcased their corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities in their final projects presentation.

The presentations on Old Folks Home (Team No Fear) and Orphanage Home (Team Endeavour) projects were the most touching.

The students completed the programme by receiving  graduation certificates from Mr Khoo Chin Guan, Head of Tax, KPMG Tax Services.

Photo caption (From top to bottom):

Photo 1: The participating students with College officials and staff, KPMG mentors and management staff at the Graduation Ceremony.

Photo 2: The No Fear team members smiled from ear to ear after being announced as the team scoring the highest votes from live audiences and Facebook for their video on the Old Folks Home project.

Photo 3: This Final Project Presentation cum Graduation Ceremony also attracted 32 Indonesian students from Sekolah Indonesia, Kuala Lumpur.

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