Highlights/ Achievements

Alumnus Come Home to TAR College

Dr Lim Jong Shiaw was warmly welcomed home by TAR College senior officials and the Alumni Affairs Office team after his graduation 34 years ago.  Dr Lim was formerly a Higher School Certificate (HSC) student of the School of Pre-University Studies, from the class of 1977.

Dr Lim is currently the Clinical Associate Professor and lecturing on part-time basis in New York University College of Dentistry (NYUCD). He owns a dental clinic called, ‘Jong Dental Care’ in New York.


Photo caption:
Photo 1: From left to right: Deputy Director of the Department of Development and External Relations, Ms Wee Fooi Koon, TAR College Principal, Dr Tan Chik Heok, SPUS Alumnus, Dr Lim Jong Chiaw and  Vice Principal of Administration and External Relations, Ms Lim See Wah

Photo 2: Dr Lim was given a tour around the campus byMs Looi Li Chin, Head of SPUS (third from left) andMs Wee Fooi Koon, Deputy Director of the Department of Development and External Relations

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