Highlights/ Achievements

Pang Jia Wei’s 1Malaysia Animation Wins International PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival and UNESCO Awards

Pang Jia Wei’s 1Malaysia video, titled “GIFT”, beat 145 entries from 54 countries to win the PLURAL+ International Jury, UNESCO IGUALADA and Gulen Institute awards, presented at the Paley Center for Media, in New York City, the US, on 10 November 2011

Pang, a second-year Diploma in Multimedia Design student at Tunku Abdul Rahman College (TARC), flew to New York to receive his awards from the PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival on Migration, Diversity and Social Inclusion, a joint project organized by the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNOAC) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

Pang’s animation-based video, which ends with the slogan “We are different.But the differences colour the world. It is a Gift”, captured UNAOC, the IOM, and PLURAL+ international jury’s call for young people the world over to produce videos proposing their creative solutions to develop peaceful and multicultural societies, and addressing migration, diversity and social inclusion.

Photo Captions:

Photo 1: Pang Jia Wei (left) with Nyasha Laing (middle), PLURAL+2011 International Jury and Ryan Tan Chuan Min, School of Social Science and Humanities (SSH) lecturer.

Photo 2: Ryan Tan Chuan Min (left), School of Social Science and Humanities (SSH) lecturer and Pang Jia Wei (right) with Michele Klein-Solomon, Permanent Observer to the United Nations, International Organizations for Migration.

Photo 3: Pang Jia Wei presenting on his 1Malaysia video entitled ‘GIFT’

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