Highlights/ Achievements

TAR College KungFu Recreational Club Won the Overall Champion in Intervarsity Wushu Championship 2011

On 25-26 November 2011, six members of TAR College KungFu Recreational Club won the Intervarsity Wushu Championship 2011 and clinched 3 Gold Medal, 5 Silver Medal, 1 Bronze Medal, 1 Spirit Award and won the Overall Championship, beating 8 other local Universities.

Individual category

Ngu Nguk Fengwon:-
2 Gold Medals - Tai Ji Quan event & Tai Ji Jian event
1 Silver Medal - Qiang Shu event

Yong Chai Yunwon:-
1 Gold Medal - Traditional Long Weapon

Goo Keng Shengwon:-
2 Silver Medals - Traditional Short Weapon & Traditional Long Weapon

Chin Lee Pengwon:-
1 Silver Medal - Traditional Quan

Choong Kok Waiwon:-
1 Bronze Medal - Nan Quan event
1 Spirit Award - Nan Dao event

Group Category
Won Silver Medal for TAR College.

Photo Captions:

Photo 1:Group Photo Session at the Overall Champion Prize Giving Ceremony. (From left to right)Wong Chee Chong, Yong Chai Yun, Chin Lee Peng, Ngu Nguk Feng, Choong Kok Wai, Goo Keng Sheng, Dr. Lim Boon Huat and Koh Chee Keong.

Photo 2: Traditional Quan event

Photo 3: Tai Ji Quan event

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