Highlights/ Achievements

Prof Dr Teh Yik Koon Warns Against Academic Plagiarism

Dr Chang Teck Peng (right) presenting a token of appreciation to Prof Dr Teh Yik Koon.


Prof Dr Teh Yik Koon presenting her insightful and enlightening observations on academic plagiarism.


Professor Dr Teh Yik Koon from The National Defence University of Malaysia (Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia) has shared her sharp observation and harsh criticism against academic plagiarism when she was invited to deliver a public lecture in the FCCI Postgraduate Lecture Series.

Prof Dr Teh, a professor of sociology and criminology, has been invited to deliver a public lecture themed “Ethics and Integrity in the Academia: Writing a Postgraduate Thesis” on 6 September 2022. The moderator was Oon Jinn Xuan, student from the Master of Arts in Communication programme.

Her latest book entitled, “From BMF to 1MDB: A Criminological and Sociological Discussion”, was published in 2018.

She started her lecture by talking about the brief history of research ethics, followed by the discussion on various forms of plagiarism. What attracted attendees most were the different ethical issues that she has encountered and the examples of plagiarism she showed during the lecture. She also touched on what examiners look for when examining a thesis.

More than 60 academic staff and students from the Faculty of Communication and Creative Industries (FCCI), Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business (FAFB), Faculty of Built Environment (FOBE), and Centre for Postgraduate Studies and Research (CPSR) gathered at the DK1 to listen to the presentation by Prof Dr Teh Yik Koon.

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